Why the Global Returns Project matters
Explore our diverse portfolio of six best-in-class climate and nature charities.
Learn about our proprietary selection and assessment methodology – and our team of world-class climate scientists.
Learn about the exclusive impact reports donors receive every six months.
Find out how to donate and get involved.
Our two-step process for delivering change
How the Global Returns Project is already delivering systemic change
How we fund our operating costs as a charity
Meet our team of executives, advisors and world-class climate scientists.
Making it easy for clients to support high-impact climate charities.
Helping financial advisers facilitate climate philanthropy through platforms.
Making it easy to support high-impact climate charities
Contribute to the Global Returns Portfolio and support diverse, effective and scalable climate not-for-profits.
Send a message to the Global Returns Project.
Read our latest reports, press coverage, Portfolio successes and more.
For journalists: download our team’s headshots and bios, read our recent coverage and contact our PR Agency, Quill PR.
Read our May 2021 Impact Report on the performance of the Global Returns Portfolio: