Trillion Trees: Restoring forest and saving water in Kenya

June 9, 2022

Trillion Trees: Restoring forest
and saving water in Kenya

Trillion Trees’s ReForest Fund restores forests for people, nature and climate across a portfolio of sites where the Trillion Trees Partners have long-term conservation programmes.

One of the sites is in Mount Kenya, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with rich natural biodiversity, including 778 plant species. Unfortunately, deforestation in the area has led to a decrease in both the carbon sequestration potential of the area and the habitat suitability for resident species.

This ReForest Fund project targets restoration of nearly 6,200 hectares of forest, as laid out in the Mount Kenya Restoration Strategy 2019-2029. Restoring native vegetation will also positively impact water quality and access for the 2 million people who depend on Mount Kenya for drinking water.

Over the past year with the support of the ReForest Fund, Nature Kenya (BirdLife International Partner) has worked with the Kangaita Community Forest Association (CFA) to plant 25,000 seedlings during March-May planting season – contributing to restoring 40 hectares of degraded forest.

Following planting in October-November 2021, maintenance of the restoration area was carried out by removing invasive weeds, supplementing the area with new seedlings and replacing dead seedlings. This has helped to ensure that tree seedling survival rate and restoration targets are above 85%.