Exponential Expectations for ESG

This recent report, commissioned and published by Price Waterhouse Cooper, is a timely snapshot of the current ESG landscape. Per their introduction:

“In this report, we highlight the results of a recent PwC global survey of asset managers and institutional investors. Our findings reveal an asset and wealth management (AWM) industry in transition. For asset managers, our analysis of ten market-defining trends stresses the urgency of moving away from ESG-orientated investments and, instead, integrating ESG principles into the heart of their purpose, strategy and investment management processes.

“We also point to the need to reconfigure operating models to secure and retain mandates, and to create a compelling ESG story and develop credible reporting to track and communicate progress against it. To reinforce and accelerate change, it’s also important to build ESG into digital and workforce transformation when developing insight, strengthening leadership and delivering demonstrable value for money.

“We hope this report and its actionable insights are useful to you. How quickly and effectively you make this leap will determine not only your ability to attract investors and talent but also how effectively you can deliver on your purpose and potential.”

Read The Full Report